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March 04, 2019

North Park University Earns National Recognition for Its Top MBA Program

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National guide honors superb learning opportunities for MBA-seeking professionals

With a dedication to develop working professionals into skilled, forward-thinking business leaders, North Park University has earned recognition among the nation’s Top Master of Business Administration programs.

Abound, a college guidance system for degree-seeking adults commends North Park University for providing a path to an MBA that addresses the issues most important to professional students. North Park University places among the inaugural cohort of Abound with its testament to the program’s flexible scheduling and delivery options, personal access to professors, academic and career support services, and overall preparation for managerial success in the world of business.

“We’re honored to recognize North Park University for making impactful investments into the sustained career growth of its business students,” said Tyson Schritter, Chief Operating Officer for Abound. North Park University has expertly developed a curriculum and support team that altogether prepares its students to thrive as ethical, strategic, and knowledgeable professionals.”

Anthony Scola, North Park University Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing is pleased with the recognition. “It is a remarkable honor to earn national recognition for our MBA program. North Park is committed to investing in our students’ professional growth by offering a curriculum tailored to preparing MBA graduates to thrive and innovate in a competitive business environment,” said Scola. 

Abound: MBA programs meet several criteria in each of four areas: Accessibility, Affordability, Acceleration, and Advancement. Each school is evaluated via a key analysis of its MBA programs’ flexible scheduling, career services, transparency of financial assistance, engaged learning opportunities, and more. Schools are invited to the guidance system network only after an interview with the Abound team and a distinguishing demonstration of their student-centered approach to business education.

“Our experienced faculty bring their in-the-field expertise into each classroom, cultivating the skills necessary to serve as future leaders in the workforce,” said Scola.

“Abound looks deeply into colleges and universities in a way that annual rankings do not. We get to know our institutions by what they do for their students day by day, not by where they fall on a list based on surface-level statistics,” said Schritter. “Since our founding of Colleges of Distinction in 2000, we have learned the difference-making potential of a truly effective education. Now, through Abound: MBA, we are applying our individualized approach to master’s programs that prepare professionals to take on an ever-expanding, increasingly complex field. We can say with confidence that North Park University provides the experiences and results that any driven, MBA-seeking professional deserves.”

To view North Park University’s profile, visit

About Abound: MBA

Abound: MBA connects master’s-seeking adults with programs that are most conducive to their professional goals and, likewise, helps institutions attract the students most likely to excel in their unique programs. Abound: MBA is the newest initiative of the Abound college guidance system for degree-seeking adults. We help nontraditional students find the best place for them to have a positive experience in pursuit of an undergraduate degree, graduate degree, nursing degree, or MBA. Our institutions are nationally recognized for educational excellence through their courses offered on campus, online, or both.

Christopher Childers
Assistant Vice President
University Marketing and Communications
North Park University

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